Personal Data

Date of Birth:February 8, 1946
Address:8727 Ellington Park Drive, Charlotte, NC 28277, USA
Email:Contact EleSoft Research.


MathematicsB.S.Sept 64--Jun 68The Citadel, Charleston, SC
MathematicsSept 68--Dec 68University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Mechanical EngineeringM.S.Mar 71--Dec 72Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL
Mechanical EngineeringAug 76--Jun 77Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Computer ScienceAug 84--Jun 85University of California Extension, Berkeley, CA


Jun 77--Present
Engineering and software development. Established Elements Research, Inc., original name of EleSoft Research, in 1980. Statistics, computer graphics, database development. Developed criteria scoring algorithm for automobile search program in Cobol for AutoMason in 1977. Applied optimization transportation problem to SF Bay Area disaster evacuation plans for Center for Planning and Research, Inc. Convolution of multilevel emergency notification PDFs. Disaster effects contour plots of SF Bay Area and evacuation plans for Scientific Services, Inc. Airfoil design Fortran support for Van Every & Associates. Ultrasound probe modeling for Stanford Physics Dept. Developed program to score and summarize mark-scan educational tests for Educational Measurements, Inc. Fortran program to compute Markov-chain transition matrix of animal social behaviors for Stanford University Hospital. Statistical analysis of anti-narcoleptic drug for Stanford Sleep Disorders Clinic. Efficacy analysis of breast cancer surgery recovery methods. Statistical analysis of infant anti-apnea bed for Stanford Children's Hospital. Simulation of a time-series data collection for Jackknife statistical research. Ported PL/I code to PC for BM Financial Group. Statistical analysis programming supporting FDA approval of rheumatoid arthritis drug for Diagnostic Data, Inc. In 1982, developed Elements™, a matrix language interpreter, statistics, plotting, and file-algebra program used by SRI International, Data Financial Press, clients, and as test-bed for internal development. Elements versions for IBM System 370, Unix, DOS, and MS Windows. Integration of Patch-Clamp Probe instrumentation and signal processing software, including analog-to-digital conversion, fast-Fourier transform, filtering, and plotting, for Stanford Pharmacology Dept. HP LaserJet graphics programming for Stanford Cardiology Dept. Ported structural mechanics program for Aptech Engineering Services. Wrote vectorized assembler routines for newly installed IBM 3090 Vector Facility for Stanford Information Technology Services. Engineering material properties database (MPDBMS) development under contract with American Chemical Society (Chemical Abstracts Service), National Institute for Standards and Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standards), and MPD Network, Inc. Subcontractor for American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and US Coast Guard. Developed MPDBMS multivariate range searching using concepts of touch, cover, within, and exact comparisons. Developed MPDBMS precision preserving units conversion using packed BCD number representation. Programming experience in Fortran, Cobol , Snobol, Apl, awk, sed, Unix utilities, PL/I, and Postscript. Proficient in Microsoft Windows and Win32 API, GDI, MFC, Visual C++, Excel, and Access Visual Basic. Developed salient assemblage representation of multidimensional, recursive, deforming geometry. Wrote 3D computer graphics renderer that plots geodesics, optimized for salient assemblage. Geodesic computing software GEODES entered in Netlib Repository.
Aug 76--Jun 77
Graduate student at Stanford University with research assistantship in High Temperature Gas Dynamics Laboratory. CO electric discharge laser research.
Feb 75--Jun 76
Chemical laser (CL) research and development, CL test engineer at United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, Conn. Experience in handling hot corrosive gases including fluorine. CL shipboard installation studies. Experience with heat exchangers, scrubbers, ejectors, and other heat transfer equipment. Employed by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, Florida Research and Development Center, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Sept 73--Feb 75
Engineer responsible for fluid supply systems in an airborne gas dynamic laser during system design and fabrication phases. Fluid supply systems included high pressure, cryogenic, refrigeration, hydraulic, and pneumatic systems subject to stringent environmental and high load conditions. Planned facilities for cryogenic fluids: CO, N2O, N2, and He. Same employer as above.
Dec 72--Sept 73
Test engineer, 300kw gas dynamic laser (CO2) research. Same employer as above.
Mar 71--Dec 72
Graduate student in mechanical engineering, fluids laboratory instructor, graduate student assistantship, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida.
Mar 69--Mar 71
Officer, United States Army, Air Defense Artillery, Fort Bliss, Texas and White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.
Sept 68--Dec 68
Graduate student in mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.
Sept 67--Jun 68
President of Mathematics Society, The Citadel, Charleston, SC. Implemented optimization transportation problem in Fortran II on IBM 1130. Senior thesis compared three proofs of the prime number theorem and computer tested it and related functions.


  • Developed geodesic computing software GEODES entered in Netlib (
  • Developed matrix representation and software implementation of Christoffel symbols.
  • Member of Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
    • Representation of Irregular Geometry by Salient Elements, Second SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, November 1991.
    • Geodesics on an Irregular Geometry Using a Salient Assemblage Representation, Third SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, November 1993.
    • Salient Assemblage Representation of Multidimensional, Recursive, Deforming Geometry, SIAM Annual Meeting, October 1995.
    • Optimization Using Geodesic Computation on Constraint Manifold, SIAM-SEAS Annual Meeting, April 1997.
    • Minimum-Length Geodesic Computation, Fifth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, November 1997.
  • Former member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
  • Former member of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
    • Secretary, Palm Beach Section, 1976.
    • Librarian, San Francisco Section, 1976--1979.
  • Masters thesis, Turbulent Leading Edge of a Thin Sheet of Liquid Down an Inclined Wall, AIAA Conference, Huntsville, Alabama, April 26, 1973.
  • Co-author High Energy Laser Ship Installation Studies, P&WA Final Report FR7453, Contract N60921-75-C-0153, February 17, 1976 (Co-authors: A. W. Brooke, Jr. and A. M. Landerman)
  • Registered Professional Engineer, No. 22006, in Florida. Inactive.


  • Care of paraplegic parent, 2003-2006.
    • Developed medical record format helpful to doctors.
  • History of Charlotte, North Carolina, area
    • Led preservation effort for 200-year-old Plonk Family Cemetery, Lincoln County, North Carolina.
    • Devised a history analysis tool that infers actual events from partial accounts of multiple independent sources by excluding hypothetical scenarios. It can be reduced to a special table called the Deployment, Movement, and Strength Timeline. It was used to precisely locate two significant, but almost forgotten, 1780 Revolutionary War campsites:
      • Colonel Thomas Sumter's Camp on Clems Branch. Commemorated by South Carolina roadside historical marker in 2007.
      • Camp New Providence on Six Mile Creek. Headquarters of Continental Army Southern Department. North Carolina roadside historical marker application under review.
    • Developed interactive historical map application called American Revolution Troop Deployment Timeline. Uses a XML data structure that includes small troop movements, commanders, document sources, and known weather conditions. Includes locations of historical fords, ferries, bridges, courthouses, plantations, mills, iron works, etc. Accounts for contemporaneous changes, such as a renamed site and change of command. Links directly to original source page, such as in Google Books. From modeled troop movements, daily troop deployments are determined. Simultaneous troop deployments show how American and British forces interacted. Historical map implemented with JavaScript, XML, and Google Maps API technology.
  • Charities
    • Presbyterian Church
    • Lincoln County Historical Association
    • The Citadel Foundation